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5-A-Day Club Message The Church of Your Dreams (Responses) |
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Our last 5-A-Day Message asked for responses to the question: "If you
could attend the church of your dreams... what would that look like?".
I was very interested in new ideas and hearing about what would make attending church more meaningful today... in terms of worship, ministry, and outreach. I also knew that I was providing an opportunity for people who are happy with their place of worship to really proclaim and boast a little about how great their church already is. Honestly, I thank God anytime I hear someone raving about their church, which ever one that may be. I hope you feel the same. Here are some of the responses I have received. Thank you all for your thoughts, your ideas, and your permission to share your comments with others. As you read through these... watch for the common thread in most of the responses... ---------------------------------------- Q: If you could attend the church of your dreams... what would that look like? A: The church of my dreams is where we are accepted by those with whom we worship. A body of believers (actually they make up the church) who come together to "celebrate" the risen Savior. A place where we can sing songs of praise to the One who died for me. Where I can affirm my faith and pledge again my allegiance to My Lord. A safe haven, where I can run to Him who is the strong tower and hide under His wing. A place where I will be fed from the Living Word by a Pastor who truly loves the Lord and wants to shepherd the flock that God has given him or her, to teach them and grow them into mature sheep. A place where I am free to worship with clapping and the use of musical instruments or where I'm free to sit or stand and worship with my brothers and sisters in the faith. A place where I am encouraged to pray for my neighbors and use the gifts God has given me to see others come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ, my Redeemer and soon coming King. Can you picture this church with me? It is like a lighthouse in a dark world and people are drawn to it. Everyone is welcome there and people are not judged by others. God alone is the Judge. Not only am I blessed to have this type of church to worship in, but it is a place where I can use the ministry gifts that I've been given. God opened the door nearly 6 years ago for me to be part of the staff of this dream church. We work together with several other churches in our community for the common cause to see people experience a "personal relationship with Christ," to experience being "born-again" as Jesus spoke to Niccodemeus about. A spiritual rebirth where we can die to ourselves and become a new creature in Christ. Paul gives us a clear picture in his writings. Well, Stephen you can see you just got my fingers dancing and before I meant to, I went to preaching. God Bless you my dear nephew. I'm happy that we are twice related. Keep on keeping on...Jeanne --- Q: If you could attend the church of your dreams... what would that look like? A: Well, Steve, you've got me thinking. When I think about the "Church of My Dreams", I suppose that I see one quite similar to the one we meet in...... the Church building itself, that is. Quite similar, but already "neaten'd up"...... cared for.... pampered with love. One that can be looked at with assurance that those within indeed care about it. But the church of my dreams is not the building .... it's the Church within it's walls.... the people themselves. I see in the dream members loving members, wanting to share time, talents, the love of Christ, with each other member. Wanting not only to worship the Lord our God together, but to Fellowship with one another..... both in the fellowship hall, and in one another's homes. A people with heartfelt desires to truly know each other. A church of people so filled with "Inreach" that Outreach bursts forth from it. A people so overflowing with the Love that God has given them, that they can't help but to Share it with all people.....in and out of the Community of Christ.....with tolerance, understanding, and true love. Steve, we're on our way to the "Dream Church". Indeed, we should always have "dreams" of how to get closer to God through following the teachings of our Lord Jesus. God Bless You In Your Work! Gary --- Q: If you could attend the church of your dreams... what would that look like? A: Any chance to get on the soap box! The church of my dreams would look like the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Why? I grow at my own pace in this church. This is not always the right answer in terms of savings one's soul, but it makes my own small successes much more meaningful. I feel as if the most important thing a Christian could do is experience Christ - and my impression from the RLDS people I have met is that that is the message. In RLDS, I am accepted on the path that I'm on and I can find Christ on my own by surrounding myself with people with the same goal. Also, I love the sense of community I have in my congregation. I'm currently with Middlesex Branch and was previously with Johnson City Branch, and have a special love for both. I like the small congregation atmosphere... its informal and personal. I'm don't consider myself a "speaking" minister, but I enjoy offering my services in terms of cleaning up and supporting the leadership, and this has been warmly received at both branches. One of the most special things in RLDS is its retired folks. I love to sit and listen to them speak about the old days. They talk about things that happened in the church over the last 50 years, or their relationship with WWII, or the way the world was way back then. So many of these people never stop participating. These are the people I want to be like. I also like that our church finds such great importance in camps and the like. Its not to imply that my dream church doesn't have thorns. Sometimes personalities conflict in small congregations, and this can make the church experience difficult. But I try to keep my eye on the big picture (of Christ in the Sanctuary) and remember that Jesus fixes everything I ask Him to. Thanks for the opportunity to contribute, Steve. How is your family? I pray that all are well. Paul --- Q: If you could attend the church of your dreams... what would that look like? A: DEER PARK Nature outdoor setting. Everyone wearing what they want. Modern music. Glenn --- Q: If you could attend the church of your dreams... what would that look like? A: The church of my dreams would have a place for everyone. Everyone would be involved in anyway they wanted to be. Many different people would be asked to speak, sing, pray, or read (not just the ones who are really good at it.) People could explore to find new gifts and not just be asked to do the ones they've always done. People would always be giving and receiving. People would know that simply sitting down with a person for ten minutes can make a world of difference. People would have a place to post needs, so that anyone who felt they could help could. People would see each other outside of church. People would go to each others homes for dinner. Children and teenagers would have huge cheering sections at any concert or sporting events. The church would be a family. They'd go places together. They'd know about each others' lives, joys, and pains. There would be no walls built up by differences in life experience, tyoes of families, or money. There would be joy. Music would be so varied that everyone would get to hear their favorites. There would be more hallelujahs and hosanas and horray for God. Worship would be a celebration. Traditions and new ideas would come together to make church mean more for everyone. They wouldn't compete with each other. The perfect church would have a place for everyone---and so much joy you just couldn't stand anymore. Joanna --- Q: If you could attend the church of your dreams... what would that look like? A:The church of my dreams is Christ in the hearts of people, who are so attuned to His Spirit that a Sunday AM may find them out meeting people's needs, rather than being in a sanctuary; it may find them worshipping at other times of the week, in various settings, inside or outside. I like the scripture that says, "And they went in and out and found pasture." His sheep are in the business of finding those in need, and I believe that's where He is. I think we center too much on what kind of worship we like in our churches, and the whole point, I think, is that God is worthy to be worshipped. We are there to meet His needs and requests. Julie ---------------------------------------- The Common Thread? (God of course.. but what else?) ...Acceptance & Love. Some of these dream churches sound like heaven on earth! What do YOU think? Ideas, comments, and testimonies are still welcome. Thanks again to all who have taken the time to think, and to share with others. |