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5-A-Day Club Message
Young Adult Minitries Chat (YAMCHAT) |
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Session Open: Tue Feb 19 21:00:19 2002
*** LarryTyree has joined #LIVE *** LarryTyree is now known as LarryT <jenn> okay then, lets go ahead a get started... Tonight's guest is Steve Demetrician. He will be chatting with us about online Bible study and scriptural literacy. I'll let him open with a few remarks and then we'll take questions. To ask a question, please type a "?" I'll call on you when it's your turn and keep track of the questions in a queue. If you have a comment, type "!". I'll take "!" before a new "?" Alrighty then... lets go! <Steve_D> Ok... I guess that's my queue. <jenn> yep ![]() <Steve_D> Our topic for tonight's YAMCHAT is On-Line Bible Study. <Steve_D> I host a web site called the 5-A-Day Club <http://5-a-day-club.net/>. The 5-A-Day Club is a group of people reading through the New Testament in one year by spending just 5 minutes a day. <Steve_D> Subscribers to the 5-A-Day Club mailing list receive thought provoking stories, modern day parables, and commentary on the current week's scripture reading. <Steve_D> I first got the idea for Internet Ministry in response to Grant's call for T-2000 involvement. The 5-A-Day Club was eventually recognized as a Transformation 2000 Model Ministry. But in 1998, I found myself exploring thoughts and ideas that I hoped would lead me to my own personal contribution toward the goals of Transformation 2000. <Steve_D> Although I am consistent with prayer and meditation, and try to remain sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, I have always felt more peaceful and spirit filled after reading the Bible. I wanted to share this with others, particularly those who are young and represent our future in the world and in our church. But as I considered ways to meet and study with others, I found myself faced with a few obstacles: <Steve_D> 1. Most of the members of my congregation lived too far from one another. It was difficult to meet during the week after a hard day at work or school. <Steve_D> 2. Those who could be considered to be in the "youth" age bracket were away at school, or too young to drive and needed to rely on others for transportation. <Steve_D> 3. Many of those I spoke with locally were interested in the fellowship, but did not experience the same things I did while exploring and meditating upon scripture. <Steve_D> 4. Many people knew in their own hearts that unless it "came to them, they would never find the time for worship and Bible study". <Steve_D> 5. Even my own lifestyle of ministry, family, and work, did not lend itself easily to consistent periods of planning and hosting large group gatherings. <Steve_D> One day, while exploring a Christian web site, I came upon a Bible reading schedule which allowed an individual to read through the New Testament in one year by investing just five minutes a day. I was struck by how simple this sounded. A group of individuals reading through the New Testament in one year, by investing just 5 minutes a day. The reading schedule and the daily scripture texts were available on the Internet. I was convinced that I had found a way around the obstacles preventing me from realizing my Transformation 2000 goal. <Steve_D> Many people liked the idea of fellowship, but were already just as busy as I was. However, all of us spent time in front of our personal computers. certainly more than 5 minutes a day. <Steve_D> From all of this, I was inspired to organize the 5-A-Day Club as an Internet Ministry. <Steve_D> The 5-Day-Club currently consists of 2 basic components: <Steve_D> 1. The web site features daily 5 minute scripture passages, a printable 5-A-Day New Testament reading schedule, a Message Archives page, and a Zionic Colonies Vacation Tour Documentary. Anyone can visit the site for just 5 minutes and get their daily scripture reading done. <Steve_D> 2. Several times a month, thought provoking stories, modern day parables, prayer requests, and commentary on the current week's readings are sent out to members of The 5-A-Day Club via e-mail. At the bottom of each e-mail message are three hyper-links. These links take the message recipient to the 5-A-Day Club home page, the reading schedule, or the text of the scripture reading for the current day. Everyone seems to have time for this. There is discussion and dialog that occurs within the group through insightful and inspiring e-mail messages. The e-mail distribution aspect of this ministry has lead to growth, knowledge, and a sense of community. In a very gradual way, many find themselves spending a great deal more time than just 5 minutes a day meditating upon God's word, thinking deep thoughts, and praying heart felt prayers for one another. <Steve_D> The 5-A-Day Club currently has approximately 500 members enrolled in its e-mail distribution list. Many of The 5-A-Day Club members are members of the Community of Christ faith, and many are members of other denominations. Some of the members are not affiliated with any church, but are searching for spiritual truth and inspiration. Members falling into this last category are learning that there are those of us out there who really do care about them. <Steve_D> On "the net", we bear each other's burdens, share each other's joys, and learn valuable lessons for our lives. We do this by spending time in fellowship, by spending time in God's word, and by spending time in prayer. This is what congregations do. <Steve_D> It's a very humbling experience. <Steve_D> For those who are interested, we can discuss how you might get started on a smaller scale with a web site or mailing list of your own. <Steve_D> I guess that's enough of an intro... I'll let Jenn do her moderating thing. <jenn> okay - anyone want to ask Steve a question? <Hope> ? <jenn> go ahead hope <Hope> I had the opportunity to visit your site before and want to commend you <Hope> on the great work you do <Steve_D> How nice! <Steve_D> I'm honored. <Hope> why doesn't the world church site use your idea <Steve_D> What did you like about it? <Hope> It' s user friendly and I like any site that promotes the scriptures <Steve_D> Bravo. <Steve_D> Now for your 2nd question... <Steve_D> The world church has their Webboard with chat rooms... <Steve_D> and David I understand is beginning the process of offering Scripture Study on-line. <Steve_D> They also have a Monday night Study group *** Arika has quit IRC (QUIT: ) *** aristi has joined #LIVE *** aristi is now known as Arika <Steve_D> But they don't have a mailing list or "list serve" correspondence <Steve_D> There is also "Sunday Night Live" ![]() <Steve_D> Any one else have a question or should I continue to just put thoughts out there? <Hope> ? <LarryT> ? <jenn> ! I think in addition to that the church feels that to duplicate or compete with Steve may be a waste of resources <jenn> go ahead hope <Hope> Do you think the church will ever offer scripture online? <jenn> as to the near future... the answer is no. We are looking into the feasibility of offering something like that online but the cost at this point is prohibitive <Steve_D> One of the aspects that needs to be dealt with is royalties and permissions for the versions being used. <Hope> ok <Steve_D> At least for Bible versions. <jenn> larry - go ahead with your question <LarryT> Steve, how do you market your site? <Steve_D> Good question... <Steve_D> A site isn't any good if you invest lots of time and hard work and tell no one. <Steve_D> I use a promotion tool that allows simultaneous submission to major search engines, indexes, and specialty sites... <Steve_D> But the most hits come from adding links to other Christian sites or by visiting other sites of similar nature and participating in the discussion... <Steve_D> and then eventually, when the time is right, dropping the URL for others to follow. *** Arika has quit IRC (QUIT: ) <Hope> ? <jenn> go ahead hope <Hope> Can congregational websites link to yours? <Steve_D> ABSOLUTELY <Hope> cool <Steve_D> They can use it as a daily devotional page <LarryT> ? <jenn> go larry <LarryT> Steve, is there a level that it is pitched toward? <LarryT> Age-wise I mean? <Steve_D> Not really, although it seems the on-line approach is really well suited for Young Adults and College Students. <LarryT> The reason I ask, is that we are getting ready to go public with a Teen Page and this might be a good link for it... <Steve_D> There you go... <LarryT> Hopefully by Conference.... <Steve_D> Hope... Have you had a chance to read any of the messages in the Message Archives ? <Hope> No, I got a chance to visit your site <Hope> when David put it on the Community of Christ webboard once. <Hope> I enjoyed it, but lost the link to it. <Steve_D> <http://5-a-day-club.net/> ![]() <Hope> got it! <Steve_D> One of the most interesting messages I sent out had to do with a question... <Steve_D> "What would your Dream Church look like?" <Steve_D> There were many responses and they were posted as well... *** LarryT has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer ) <Steve_D> but most of them had to do with Love and Acceptance. <Steve_D> Not so much about walls and buildings. <Hope> ! <jenn> go ahead hope <Hope> That definately is something to think about. . . *** wordinme has joined #LIVE <Hope> Mine I would have to say, is where everyone is truly in love <Hope> with their Lord and savior Jesus Christ and joyfully praising him <Steve_D> Sounds like Heaven! ![]() <jenn> hi wordinme <wordinme> hello! <Hope> ? <jenn> go hope <Hope> I don't now where you're from... <Hope> but have you noticed a less than enthusiastic <Hope> approach for scripture study among the young adult population? <Hope> I was YA leader for a while and tried to have scripture study twice and no one was really interested <Steve_D> Well let me say that I was pleasantly surprised by some of the YA comments during Grant's initial Chat here one year ago... <Steve_D> Did anyone notice what I am referring to? <jenn> don't keep us in suspense. <Steve_D> Young Adults may not be diligent about picking up scripture daily, but they really want accountability up there in the Pulpit... *** LarryTyree has joined #LIVE *** LarryTyree is now known as LarryT <Steve_D> They are uncomfortable with a lazy attitude toward scripture by our priesthood. <Steve_D> Bravo for them. <Hope> ! <jenn> yes hope <Hope> Yes, but aren't we all accountable for our own personal study <Hope> not so much for our priesthood <Steve_D> I think so, but who sets the example? <Hope> aren't we called to read all good books and then live the examples ourselves <Steve_D> Yes, but we must always be discerning of what we read and what we follow. <Hope> I think priesthood are responsible somewhat, but all should not rest on their shoulders <Hope> We should learn, know, and live the scriptures for ourselves and not so much what one tells us it says. <Steve_D> Yes. <Steve_D> It's easy spend too much time reading commentary on scripture, and not enough time letting the text (and God) speak to us! <Hope> Sorry, I'm just on fire for God and don't understand why others aren't <Hope> In my area. <Steve_D> I understand that feeling. <Steve_D> As a Pastor I guess one can say that I sort of "have to" go to church on Sundays... <Steve_D> But I remember feeling as though I couldn't wait to get to church so that I could really let go and talk about scripture... <Steve_D> and learn... <Steve_D> and pray... <Steve_D> and be with others of like mind... <Steve_D> It's where I felt most comfortable. <Steve_D> ...still do. <Steve_D> It's exciting when your on fire for God, isn't it? *** Hope has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer ) <Steve_D> oops... We lost her... <jenn> oops - she'll probably be back. looks like her connection just got cut off. <Steve_D> Another message I sent out that drew a lot of attention was the "New School Prayer"... <Steve_D> Anyone familiar with that? <jenn> yep <Steve_D> WOW... what a flood of email... on both sides of that issue <Steve_D> We have MANY school teachers in our group. <pickle> ? <jenn> go pickle <pickle> what is the prayer? <Steve_D> Hold on... <Steve_D> "New School Prayer" <pickle> ! <Steve_D> This was composed just after Columbine <jenn> go ahead pickle <pickle> I'll bet you got a lot of messages on that! What were some of them like? <wordinme> sounds like a beautiful prayer..... <Steve_D> 50/50 really <Steve_D> Some sympathetic to the jaded youth... <Steve_D> Some sympathetic to the plight of the school teachers and what they are call to do... <Steve_D> and not do. <wordinme> ? <jenn> go ahead Wordinme <wordinme> what was going through your heart as you wrote your prayer? <Steve_D> I didn't write it... <Steve_D> But I passed it along. <Steve_D> This poem was posted by a teen on the Bagdad Public <Steve_D> Bulletin board in Bagdad, Arizona, on 1/28/2000. <wordinme> a prayer from an angel.... <Steve_D> The purpose of the messages I send out... <Steve_D> is to get folks to think deep thoughts... <Steve_D> about life... <Steve_D> about the next life... <Steve_D> about our fellow brothers and sisters... <Steve_D> about ourselves, and how we act and react to others... <Steve_D> and to act as a reminder to pick up their Bibles and read something today. <Steve_D> They of course can do that by just clicking on one of my links in the email message. <wordinme> is it a lesson of love? <Steve_D> Can you clarify your question for me? <wordinme> sorry...please forgive me...just met a man who is hurting today.... <wordinme> what you were saying seemed very profound and helpful... <Steve_D> Good! That's the idea. <Steve_D> Folks seem to need that gentle reminder... <Steve_D> a slight nudge to place their faith in the authority of the scriptures... <Steve_D> and to let God work through them. <Steve_D> You can feel Him there... in the pages. <Steve_D> Then I try to help people to do what they learn. <Steve_D> It can be intimidating for some... <Steve_D> so I tell them to read, learn, and then just do what they know. <Steve_D> It's a process... a little at a time. <Steve_D> Many of the email messages are actually short Bible study lessons. <Steve_D> "No Sin In Heaven" <Steve_D> "They Received the Holy Spirit" <Steve_D> Some are humorous... tongue in cheek... but speak volumes in the message... <Steve_D> "Are We Doomed?" <Steve_D> "Recall of Human Beings" *** wordinme has quit IRC (QUIT: ) <Steve_D> One of them is my personal testimony... <Steve_D> "Are You Ready?" <Steve_D> But they are all working together to serve a purpose... <Steve_D> To lead people to a closer relationship with the living God through Jesus. <pickle> ? <jenn> go pickle <pickle> Steve, I may have missed it--how many subscribers do you have? <Steve_D> About 500 now. <Steve_D> All over the world! <Steve_D> Almost every message sent seems to touch folks in some profound way... <Steve_D> because we are all struggling through life... <Steve_D> and someone or maybe several will respond that the message that day was just what they needed... <Steve_D> Praise God. <LarryT> ! <jenn> go ahead larry <LarryT> Well, we seem to have run out of time... <jenn> ![]() <LarryT> Maybe this is a natural time to close it for tonite..... <Steve_D> Sure... okay by me. <Steve_D> Once I get going... <Steve_D> somebody has to tell me when to stop. <LarryT> I'm glad that we were finally able to get this scheduled... <Steve_D> Me too. <LarryT> without any technical difficulties.... lol <jenn> hee hee <LarryT> The nice thing is. that it will be posted so that others can still benefit by the chat <pickle> It will be posted. <jenn> thanks pam <jenn> Thanks so much for sharing with us tonight Steve! <LarryT> Thats for sure Steve!!! <Steve_D> You're welcome... Thank you for having me. *** wordinme has joined #LIVE <Steve_D> See you all at CONFERENCE!!! <pickle> great!! <LarryT> Next time we have Gary Dodson <LarryT> On personal financial planning <jenn> yippee - retirement in about 40 years! <jenn> can't wait <LarryT> lol <Steve_D> ![]() <LarryT> Well nite all take care..... <LarryT> See you all at Conference...! <jenn> see you in April and take care until then! <jenn> Nighty night *** wordinme has quit IRC (QUIT: ) <Steve_D> 'nite everybody. <pickle> nite all! *** jenn has quit IRC (QUIT: ) *** LarryT has quit IRC (QUIT: ) *** Steve_D has quit IRC (QUIT: ) *** pickle has quit IRC (QUIT: ) Session Close: Tue Feb 19 22:20:23 2002 |