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5-A-Day Club Sermon
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Our reading from the Word of God today comes from the Book of II Corinthians,
Chapter 6, verses 1 - 13.
(Read II Cor 6:1-13). How could the Corinthian believers reject God's message? Perhaps they were doubting Paul and his words, confused by the false teachers, who taught a different message. The people heard God's message but did not let it affect what they said and did. Let me repeat that… are you listening? The people heard God's message, but they did not let if affect what they said and did! Here in lies one of the most significant reasons for the condition of our world today… even among believers! We hear his message, but we don't do anything about it. God offers salvation to all people. Many people put off a decision for Christ, thinking that there will be a better time, or that "someday they'll get around to it"… but they could easily miss their opportunity altogether. There is no time like the present to receive God's forgiveness. We just read in verse 2 "Indeed, God is ready to help you right now. Today is the day of salvation." (II Cor 6:2).I believe most of us here today have already done so, but if you haven't, don't let anything hold you back from coming to Christ. Pray a prayer right now, and ask him to come into your life. In everything he did, Paul always considered what his actions communicated about Jesus Christ to those around him. We should be able to say the same of ourselves. Ah, but I can hear someone saying… "But I'm not Paul… I'm not perfect… I'm no disciple!" But you see that's where we're wrong. If you are a believer, you are a minister for God. In the course of each day, unbelievers observe you. Don't let your careless or undisciplined actions become some person's excuse for rejecting Christ. In verse 8 of II Cor 6, we read, "We serve God whether people honor us or despise us…" (II Cor 6:8).What a difference it makes to know Jesus! He cares for us in spite of what the world thinks. Christians don't have to give in to public opinion and pressure. Paul stood faithful to God whether people praised him or slandered him. He remained joyous and content in the most difficult hardships. We mustn't let circumstances or people's expectations control us. Remember that it is through Christ, and the Holy Spirit who lives within us, that we can live ABOVE our circumstances. Hey, my life is tough! And your life is tough. But we can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens us. So be firm as you stand true to God, and refuse to compromise his standards for living. In verse 13, Paul says, "Our hearts are open to you" (II Cor 6:13).By this, Paul means that he had told the Corinthian believers his true feelings for them. He told them how much he loved them, but he also explained very clearly the principles by which God expected them to live. The Corinthians were reacting coldly to Paul's words, but Paul explained that his harsh words came from his love for them. It's easier to react against those whom God has placed over us in leadership, than it is to accept their exhortations as a sign of their love for us. And so Paul implores the people of Corinth to open their hearts, and to heed the words brought by God's messengers. In the same way, we need to open our hearts toward God's messengers today and to continue to apply his principles to our lives. The Corinthian believers were in a position very similar to the one we find ourselves in today. They found themselves struggling to hear and accept God's will for their lives in the midst of a permissive, immoral, and profane society. And as we live our lives today, we very often find out just how difficult it is to remain separate from the immediate self-gratifications of this world. At times it's difficult not to act out when things don't go our way. But when we open our hearts to God, and listen to his messengers, as Paul was imploring Corinthian believers to do, we find that much of what the world defines as acceptable is actually destructive and sinful in the long run. This is why God asks us to continue to build up our treasures in heaven… not here on earth. He asks us to be more concerned with giving back to God and to others who are in need, than with taking, and constantly acquiring more for ourselves. Now there are many types of treasures, and many ways in which God may decide to prosper you… and money is only one of them. But I'd like to concentrate today on one of the topics most talked about by Jesus himself. The Bible says that "The love of money is the root of all evil" (1 Tim 6:10).It is so alluring and seductive, that people lose their lives, marriages are ruined, and we sacrifice our own health, and our allegiance to God, …all for the love of money. It has become the most worshipped god ever created (that's god with a small "g"). Someone recently asked me, "Is it wrong to have a nice house, big TV, drive nice cars, own a big swimming pool, and go out for dinner just because we don't feel like cooking?" The answer is: No, it's not wrong. Not if you thank God for all you have, and give back the percent of your money, time, and talents that he is asking for. There are many heroes of faith in the Bible who were wealthy. Abraham was rich, Job was rich, King David was rich, and his son King Solomon is described as the wisest and richest man who ever lived. But all of them came to know that they were rich not due to their own efforts, but through the power and blessings of God. And if you don't feel blessed financially, don't overlook the blessings God has given you in other areas of your life, and remember to give back a percentage of what God has given you with your time and talents. But you know, there is only one thing that can motivate us to give away portions of what we seem to own, and that is the acceptance and acknowledgement of the one true living God (that's God with a capital "G"). Because when you ask God to take control of your life, and you accept Christ as your personal savior, you're making a statement of faith… that God exists. That God is all powerful, and that he does keep his promises. God has promised to increase and multiply back to us that which we have given. In the 6th chapter of Luke beginning in verse 38, Jesus is delivering his sermon on the mount when he says, "If you give, you will receive. And your gift will return to you in full measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over." (Luk 6:38)And he goes on to say, "Whatever measure you use in giving--large or small--it will be used to measure what is given back to you." (Luk 6:38)Here Jesus gives us at least one good reason to remember to build up our treasures in heaven, and be less concerned with wealth here on earth. In the Old Testament, God established the concept of giving back one tenth of what we have been blessed with. Jesus and the New Testament writers also endorsed this practice. But many of us seem willing to trust God with our lives... but not with our money! Let me say that again... Many of us seem willing to trust God with our lives... but not with our money! Isn't that true? It happens to be one of the hardest things to give up for God, and this is because of the level of important we assign to it. God called the Jews in Jerusalem to repentance with regard to their negligence in tithing. The tithe was and is to be used by the leaders in the Temple, and by the leaders of our churches today, for the care of the needy, the spreading of God's word, and for carrying out of his work amongst all people. God even makes a promise to us in return for our giving. A promise similar to the one we just heard from Jesus in the sermon on the mount. In Malachi chapter 3 verse 6, God begins with a reminder… "I am the Lord, I do not change…" (Mal 3:6)He continues in verse 9 with, "You have cheated me of the tithes and offerings due to me. You are under a curse, for your whole nation has been cheating me." (Mal 3:9)And then God once again shows us that there is hope if we return to him and obey his commandments. He says, "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my temple. If you do," says the Lord Almighty, "I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great, you won't have enough room to take it all in! Try it! Test me in this! Let me prove it to you!" (Mal 3:10) Now, some may still be unconvinced that God will make good on such a promise. And after all, it's not getting any easier to make ends meet today. I can hear someone saying, "How can I be sure that if I give back a tenth of what I earn, that I will still have enough left over? You know, …for my big mortgage, and my nice cars, and my big TV?" Do you see what's happening here? It's backwards. It is through our obedience and love for God that God makes good on his promises to us! But if you're still not convinced, let me show you where he has fulfilled this promise in the past. Turn with me to 2 Chronicles, chapter 31, verse 4. King Hezekiah implemented religious reforms in Jerusalem, after the people once again slipped away from obeying God's commands. In verse 4, we read, "In addition to reestablishing the required festivals and Jewish religious practices, he required the people in Jerusalem to bring the prescribed portion of their income to the priests and Levites, so they could devote themselves fully to the law of the Lord. The people responded immediately and generously with the first of their crops and grain, new wine, olive oil, honey, and all the produce of their fields. They brought a tithe of all they owned." (II Chron 31:4-5) Then in verse 8, when Hezekiah and his officials saw all of this, he thanked the Lord and his people, Israel! He turned to the priests and Levites and asked, "But where did all of this come from?" (II Chron 31:9) And Azariah the high priest, from the family of Zadok, replied, "Since the people began bringing their gifts to the Lord's Temple, we have had enough to eat and plenty to spare, for the Lord has blessed his people." (II Chron 31:10) Okay, you say, that's only one example, and possibly a coincidence, and after all that happened thousands of years ago. What about today? I can tell you on a personal level that it is not only true, but it's wonderful to give back to God! I can tell you that since my commitment to God has gotten strong enough to allow me to part with my money, financial blessings have continued to grow in abundance. I'm telling you as plainly and as honestly as I can… God is the source, and God is fulfilling his promise of abundance in our lives because of our faithfulness. Still not convinced? Okay, there are members of the church, perhaps priesthood members… elders, and priests, …deacons, and teachers, of whom you can say, "That person is truly full of the Spirit". People you respect because of their commitment to God in all aspects of their lives. Ask them. They won't mind... "Is it true? If I give faithfully the required portion of my income back to God… will he keep his promise and return my portion… pressed down… shaken together… and running over?" Go ahead… ask them! I'm telling you… it's true. Now, how much is the required portion? That's a matter of interpretation. But, in order for this to work as God designed it, you have to see everything you have as belonging to him. It's not yours really. It's all his. Now, I personally believe in the Biblical teaching of the tithe as a tenth of your gross income. The RLDS world church only asks for a faithful and consistent tenth of our increase… that which is over and above our just needs and wants. This is quite reasonable, actually, and very nice of our church to operate this way. My wife, Barbara, and I have made a commitment be faithful to the church's request for a tithe of our increase. And the rest of the tenth of our income goes to this congregation, other church needs and events, and to various charities of our choice. I used to think it would be so painful to give away that much money… but it's actually a lot of fun to be generous. And, it's not that much money. You see for every ten cents God gives us, God only wants one in return, and he let's us keep other nine! And this is what makes God's plan so perfectly fair, because he doesn't ask any more from me than he does from the very rich, or the very poor. Just one penny out of every ten. (Hold up a stack of 10 pennies between thumb and forefinger. Place the stack on one side of the podium in plain view of the congregation. Take one penny from the top, and place it on the other side of the podium by itself.) That's all God is asking for... One penny out of every ten. That's a great deal! And God promises that if we consistently do this, he will continue to multiply what we receive. Why? Because God knows that means we have more to GIVE. God is calling us all to a renewed commitment with regard to our practices of tithing. I urge you to pray about this message. Remember the believers in Corinth that Paul was writing to. Paul asked them to Open their hearts to the messages that were brought to them by those in service to God. I know that God has blessings planned for us all, and that they will be ours if we just open our hearts, and allow him to fulfill his promises of abundance in our lives. I pray that that this is already true for you, and that if it is not, that you will open your heart to the Lord and respond to this message today. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen. |